LPガス 人と地球にスマイルを




 Our association was founded in June 1963 as the “LP Gas Producers-Importers Association” with the participation of 35 companies engaged in the production, import and wholesale of LP Gas in Japan. The name changed to “Japan LP Gas Association” in October 1969, and our association now consists of 10 member companies.

 Now that over 50 years have passed since the start of the LP Gas industry in Japan, the current domestic LP Gas demand stands at about 14 million tons. At present, LP Gas is consumed by as many as 24 million households in this country. It is also used in the transport industry, and the majority of Japanese taxis run on LP Gas. Furthermore, LP Gas accounts for nearly 4% of the raw materials used for the production of town gas, and is also consumed for other industrial purposes by energy and petrochemical plants as the raw material or fuel for manufacturing their products. Currently representing about 3% of the primary energy consumption, LP Gas is one of the most important energy sources in Japan.

 With its mission to play a key role in the import and production of LP Gas, Japan LP Gas Association is making an all-out effort to ensure a stable supply of LP Gas as a clean and important energy source. Also, it is proactively being involved in activities aimed at stimulating demand and facilitating distribution of LP Gas as well as enhancing the safety and providing LP Gas-related information.

Business Outline

Japan LP Gas Association is engaged in the following activities with the aim of promoting a steady and sound development of the LP Gas industry and thereby contributing to our society.

1. Activities leading to expansion of LP Gas demand by taking advantage of LP Gas.
2. Activities leading to environmental improvements by focusing on the cleanliness of LP Gas.
3. Activities leading to stable supplies of LP Gas from both domestic and overseas sources.
4. Activities leading to prevention of LP Gas-related accidents.
5. Activities leading to enhancing broad range of LP Gas-related public affairs.
6. Activities leading to providing LP Gas-related information.
7. Activities leading to policy recommendations for the development of the LP Gas industry.
8. Activities to promote communication and friendship among member companies.
9. Other activities required to achieve the goals of this Association.